Thursday, June 30, 2011

Goal Hierarchy for CAS

Goal hierarchy for CAS (Childhood Apraxia of Speech), from ***

1. Establish eye contact.

2. Establish motor imitation skills.

3. Establish vocalizing and sound effects.

4. Establish speech sounds in isolation.

5. Establish syllable shapes.

6. Establish CVCV reduplication.

7. Establish functional core vocabulary.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cycles Approach

What is it?

The cycles approach is an articulation intervention developed by Hodson & Paden, 1983.

"The Cycles Approach provides focused intervention on phonological processes through the use of phonemes within a phonological pattern."

The goal of the Cycles Approach is to target the underlying phonological patterns, rather than individual phonemes. Because you are targeting patterns, you should see improvement and generalization more quickly than traditional articulation therapy.

When is this approach appropriate to use?


Sample treatment goals

Treatment activities

Click here for my overview of the Cycles Approach.

Click here for Dawn Moore's description of the Cycles Approach.

Click here for a helpful developmental guide of the elimination of phonological processes by Caroline Bowen.